Safer community / meme coins

Andre Cronje
2 min readApr 9, 2024


Goal: Create a safer environment for communities and investors


  • Team sells tokens
  • Early investors sell large amounts
  • Liquidity gets removed
  • Token has access controls


Anyone wishing to launch a community / meme coin for their idea can contact me directly on telegram or twitter. Provide the idea, graphics, name, ticker, and concept. (disclaimer: I will not be assisting any meme that I consider to be offensive, or makes reference to any real person or project)

Up to 10% of tokens can be allocated for marketing related expenses (exchange listings, promotions, kol otc, airdrops, etc). This will be locked in a multisig requiring signatures from 2 project members and at least 1 foundation member.

Up to 5% of the tokens to support the meme team expenses. This will be locked in a multisig requiring signatures from 2 project members and at least 1 foundation member.

The remaining 85% of the tokens will be put up in a FTM/token LP in foundation multisig. An amount of 100,000 FTM will be provided. Any Fantom based AMM can be nominated for LP. Should the FTM in the LP token reach at least 2,000,000 FTM, the original provided 100,000 FTM (5%) will be removed to cover the initial cost and the rest of the LP will be burned.

The token will have no minting or ownership capabilities.

As part of the initial LP I will coordinate the launch on twitter.

The token does not allow purchases or sales greater than 1% of the nominated LP pool in a single transaction. This will avoid initial launch sniping as well as potential large future dumps by early members. This will not impact any other liquidity pools created.

The above mitigates or at least suppresses the identified risks.

